When I first got the offer to review diapers I was like HECK YES! Diapers are such a huge expense but then I realized they were Huggies Snug & Dry and I got a little nervous.
See we’re huge Huggies fans here. It’s always the diapers that we buy especially at this age. But we usually go with Little Movers. Why?
Because the two times I used Snug and Dry Mason’s butt started to bleed! At first I just thought it was a rash so I put some cream on it and used another diaper that we had. The bleeding stopped so I figured that it must have been a fluke. I had one more sample of the Snug and Dry so I put that on him again and the bleeding was back the next diaper change. I’m not sure what it was about those diapers but I made sure to never buy them again.
So why did I decide to try them again? Because they’re “new and improved” and I thought what’s the worse that can happen? He can get the rash and I’ll let other Moms know my experience with the Snug and Dry or the diaper could actually be new and improved and we could use them.
The first time I put them on Mason I noticed that the fit was good, similar to the Little Movers that we love. And Best of all? No bleeding bottom! And we haven’t had a a problem the whole time we’ve been using them! I think I may actually like them better than the Little Movers they seem to fit a little snugger in the size 5 which we need and they really do stay dry! Guess they live up to their name 😉
We also got to try out the new wipes. I loved Huggies Wipes before so I was hoping they didn’t do too much to change them since we already loved what they were!
Luckily the wipes seem to be working in a very similar manner. One thing I noticed is that one wipe seemed to pick up more of the mess than before. Mason loves Nutella, the kid is seriously obsessed with it. I had it out because I was making him some whole wheat crackers with some Nutella on it when the door bell rang. So I went to go answer and get the package that had been delivered and then I go back into the kitchen to find this:
Nutella Massacre. So I grabbed one wipe and decided to see how much I could get with just one wipe. Here was the results:
The wipe held up really well AND it got everything
He’s also wearing the Snug and Dry Huggies in this picture. I like the way they fit him and Mason loves that Mickey is on them 🙂
I’m glad that I know that we can use Snug and Dry Huggies as well as the Little Movers, now it gives us more option when we go to the store which is always good especially when they’re not always on sale at the same time! I was also happy to know that the wipes are still as good as ever if not more so!
Be sure to check out the Huggies Facebook Page for more reviews and for ways you can test them yourself.
We LOVE Huggies diapers and wipes…I’ve tried other brands throughout my 5 kiddos but always go back to Huggies. Have you tried the slip on diaps? We’ve been using them with Dot to get her used to potty training.
I’m a fan of Huggies but like you I always use the Little Movers. I’ve never tried the Snug & Dry and I’m still kind of too nervous to. You know when you find something you like and it works you just don’t mess with it, LOL.
I don’t think I’ve tried the Snug & Dry! But I do love Huggies wipes, they seem much more durable than other brands.