This post is sponsored by Delta via Mode Media.
If you had asked me, oh I dunno, EVER if I wanted to do a Warrior Dash, I would have said HECK NO! Run? Get muddy? Go through scary-looking obstacles? No thanks.
Then Delta Faucet and Mode, who I have worked with before and had a blast doing so, announced they wanted to send a few lucky bloggers to run a Warrior Dash, so I decided to look into it a little more. I looked at the obstacles and I thought, “Hey, I can do that!” Especially when I realized you could skip obstacles if need be.
I knew immediately I wanted to do the Warrior Dash with my mom. The question was, would she want to do it with me? Turns out, she’s been wanting to do one for years. So, simple as that, I had a Warrior Dash partner. I was so excited to be able to do something like this for my mom. There’s nothing like giving back to the people who have given everything to you. We knew what we were getting ourselves into, so we talked about training: how we would run, work out, etc. Spoiler alert: We did a whole bunch of none of the above. So needless to say, we were super nervous before the race.
We confessed to each other that even though we were nervous and even a little bit scared, we wanted to do every single obstacle. We wanted to show all the nay-sayers and ourselves that WE COULD DO IT. When my aunt joined us at the last minute, we both felt a lot more confident and excited to have some more support—she’s a runner!
When we headed to the start line my sister stayed back with my three kids and our little brother and sister. I didn’t realize just how much they would motivate me throughout the entire Warrior Dash.
When we got to the first obstacle, my aunt climbed quickly to the top of the dome. On the other hand, my mom and I totally froze. I thought about skipping it. It was SO high. Then my Aunt Denise mentioned the kids and how proud they were going to be when we said we had done all of the obstacles. We stopped looking down and we made it to the top. I think they pick the Diesel Dome for the first obstacle for a reason.
They know that once you do that first obstacle — that really HIGH first obstacle — it feels like you can do anything in the world. Each obstacle brought us closer and closer to the finish line. Throughout the course, everyone was so nice. Everyone was cheering everyone else on. Whether you were doing the race with someone else or not, you had people to encourage you and remind you that YES, you CAN do it!
Getting to the top of the slide at Goliath was an amazing feeling. The end was near and nothing was stopping us now!
And jumping over that fire? Pretty awesome too.
Our kiddos were there to greet us at the end, and it was so awesome to tell them we had done every single obstacle— we, their moms, were stronger than they ever knew. All the kids were so proud of us and excited that we finished. They thought all the mud was pretty cool too.
Even though getting muddy ended up being more fun than I thought it would be, I was still pretty excited to get to the Delta showers. First we sang karaoke at the Delta shower station, and then we headed off to really get clean. The H2Okinetic® Single-Setting Hand Shower was perfect for getting all of that mud off of us. Mason and the rest of the kids thought it was so cool!
Look at how muddy the water is on the bottom of that shower!!
The Warrior Dash was such an amazing experience. Not only am I proud of myself for completing it but I’m even more proud of my mom. I’ve always known she was strong, but seeing her do the Warrior Dash showed me a whole new side of her. While we were still doing the race, we decided that we were going to do it again and this time the whole family is going to do it with us. I just hope Delta is going to be there again because it’s gonna get muddy!
See What Delta Can Do.

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