For me Sundays sometimes lack inspiration, maybe it’s something lingering from when I was in school and Monday meant going back and counting down to Friday again. Either way I figured we can all use a little inspiration sometimes.
I found many of these on Pinterest so as always click the photo to go to the pin/original source.
Words to live by.
More Words to live by.
Jackie Paulson says
Hi, just found you and love your site. I remember when I first started my blog over a year ago. I am glad I subscribed to you….Have a great day as your quotes bring me life.
Christa says
aw thank you so much, I’m glad you like it!
Shop with Me Mama (Kim) says
Great inspirational quotes!
Jen Whitten says
I LOVE these kind of quotes/pictures! My little sister actually decorated her bedroom in such things and it’s beautiful!
Jen Whitten says
I LOVE these kind of quotes/pics! My little sister actually decorated her room in such and it’s beautiful!
Gladys Parker says
I have read down through all your quotes. My blog is the one thing in life that is mine not my children’s or grandchildren’s. Everything about succeeding or worrying about failing is tucked in the neat package I call Mom To Grandma. I need it to succeed. Love your quotes!
Gladys P
Edward Piastro says
great, i like you 🙂
Gary Trotman says