I’m sure that at some point in the last year or so you’ve heard a thing or two about Essential Oils. They’re in recipes all over Pinterest. I’ve used them in recipes here, like my DIY Foaming Hand Soap and my DIY Vapor Rub.
But let’s bring it back to the Basics.
What ARE Essential Oils?
Essential Oils are the aromatic, volatile liquid extracted from flowers, trees, shrubs, roots, bushes and seeds aka the lifeblood of the plant! When you super-concentrate these liquids, you get essential oils!
Using essential oils for therapeutic purposes is a way to take advantage of the fact that plants have been adapting to their environments, creating chemical constituents to fight pathogens, intruders, weather, temperature, light, etc, for anywhere from thousands to billions of years. They have adapted to survive and we can benefit from all they’ve learned along the way.
How Can They Help?
Oils can do just about anything. Here are just a few ways I’ve used my oils:
- to support my immune system
- to support the respiratory system
- Sleep Aid
- Mood Booster
- Cleaning
- Cooking
- After workouts
- Before workouts
- Skin Care
There are 3 ways you can use essential oils:
Aromatic & Topical use are considered to be the most conservative ways to expose your body to essential oils:
?? Aromatic: inhaled through the nose out of the bottle or with a few drops on your hands or in a diffuser! (A diffuser is a perfect way to get all members of your house exposed to oils without changing their routines!)
?? Topical: applied to the skin either neat or diluted with a carrier oil; common places to apply are on the site you are trying to affect OR on the bottoms of the feet!
?? Internal: This might be by consuming in a glass of water or warm tea (always use a glass or ceramic container) or in capsules and you can even use essential oils in cooking and baking! Young Living has a line of essential oils labeled for internal use called the Vitality Essential Oil line! The Vitality line makes identifying internal use oils so easy- Just look for those white labels!
But don’t be confused: the contents of the Vitality bottles and the bottles with the colored labels are the very same–it is only the labeling and instructions that are different to comply with FDA regulations! How you use them in your home is totally up to you!
Usage & Safety Guidelines
These oils are potent! When using a new oil, we recommend diluting with 3-5 drops of the essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil (we love Young Living’s V-6 and coconut oil), some oils like frankincense & lavender can be applied neat, but it’s always good to start with dilution and see how your body responds. It is recommended to dilute all essential oils for babies and children, about 1-2 drops per tablespoon. We also recommend you test on yourself before using an oil on children.
Why Young Living?
I debated for months on if I should go with Young Living or another brand but ultimately I decided that Young Living was the way to go for multiple different reasons but the main reason was because of their Seed to Seal promise.
Young Living is there every step of the way. Ensuring quality from Seed to Seal.
How to Get Started
The best and most economical way to get started with get started with Young Living is to purchase one of the Premium Starter Kits. I recommend this one.
Each kit that comes with a diffuser includes
- 12 5 mL bottles of the following essential oils:
- Lavender
- Peppermint Vitality
- Lemon Vitality
- Frankincense
- PanAway
- DiGize Vitality
- Thieves Vitality
- Valor
- Peace & Calming
- Citrus Fresh Vitality
- Raven
- Stress Away
- Your choice of Diffuser (I recommend the Desert Mist)
- (2) Aroma Glide roller fitment
- Thieves Hand Purifier
- (2) NingXia Red Sachets
Here’s a little snippet of what each of the 12 oils can do. This is just the TIP of the iceberg. They can do so much more!
There are four different diffusers you can get, all beautiful and perfect in their own right!
Benefits to Getting a Starter Kit & Becoming a Wholesale Member
The Premium Starter Kits are valued at over $400 but with wholesale pricing you can get them for $165.00. So it’s the best bang for your buck. Check out the break down:
Becoming a Wholesale Member also entitles you to a 24% discount off future oil orders.
You’ll also get support from me and access to our exclusive education groups so we can answer all your oily questions! We won’t leave you hanging!
Being a wholesale member also enables you to join our Essential Rewards program where you can earn points back towards future purchases so you can earn FREE oils.
If you’re ready to move forward head here –> GET YOUR OILS NOW! If you have any questions along the way, shoot me an email (Christa@littlebgcg.com) or send me a message on Instagram. No questions? Don’t worry we’re still going to chat, once I see you’ve enrolled all reach out to give you the hook up on all things oily!
You can also use this contact form if you need me:
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Hi Christa,
Thank you for this loving post. How do I see those private videos?
Jessica Whitacre recently posted..10 Benefits of Having a Massage Chair For Every Family
Hi Jessica! I’m in the process of updating this post right now. You’re going to love the new video!