This post is sponsored by Happy Family Brands but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Years ago when Mason was just a baby I remember jumping on twitter, using the hashtag #BFCafe and asking twitter questions about breastfeeding. My experience with breastfeeding was limited but yet I was determined to breastfeed for the first year of his life. Not having many people in my support system who had breastfed for an extended period of time it was difficult at first. But that twitter hashtag had we covered. I would tweet things like “Help! My EBF baby’s poop is green #BFCafe” and often within minutes I would have a response.
It’s not quite like that on Twitter anymore and I miss it! Sure there are mom groups on Facebook and I’ll be one of the first to tell you how amazing they are but one of the coolest things about using the #BFCafe hashtag on Twitter was that experts often responded back in addition to other moms just like me. Often times it eased my mind and made me feel like I wasn’t alone in my motherhood journey.
There are so many questions that can develop around nutrition when it comes to our children. Is Baby Led Weaning okay? Or will my baby choke or not get enough nutrients? Is food before one just for fun, just a saying? Or is the real deal?! Are they getting enough? How many fruits and vegetables should they be eating? Is it okay that my kid will only drink breastmilk and eat bread on some days?
Twitter used to be great, mom boards are wonderful, and hearing what your trusted pediatrician has to say is always a plus but sometimes you need a qualified, trusted opinion and you need it faster than waiting for the nurse at your child’s doctor to call you back.
Enter the internet. and Happy Family Organics. And FREE resources to help answer your questions. Happy Family Organics just recently launched a free live chat service on their website, where you can ask the Happy Mama Mentors any questions you may have. These Happy Mama Mentors are all registered dietitians, lactation specialist and are certified in infant and maternal nutrition. Bonus: They’re all moms so they really get what it’s like to raise children and what it’s like trying to make sure they stay fed.
One of the things that have been plaguing me lately is if Emilia, my 2 1/2 year old is getting enough fruit and vegetables. I wasn’t stressed enough to talk to her doctor about it outside her regular visits but with Happy Family Organic’s free resource I figured it was time to find the answer to my question:
How much fruits and vegetables should my toddler be eating?
Angela, was my Happy Mama Mentor. She’s a registered dietitian, Wellcoaches Health & Wellness coach, certified in maternal and infant nutrition from Cornell University and she’s a mom to two daughters ages 3 and 1. Making her pretty much the perfect Happy Mama Mentor to answer my question!
How did I not know, after three kids and being a mother for 8 years that a toddler didn’t need an exact amount of fruit and vegetables per day?! I was a little surprised by that answer but also a little relived especially when Angela said that as long as I’m providing her with fruits and vegetables at her meals I was doing good!
I didn’t go to the chat looking for a meal plan for her but I love meal planners for ideas so I was excited to check out the meal plan. Checking it out was super validating! We’re not doing so bad over here!
Now that it’s confirmed that I’m doing a good job with her meals, I feel a whole lot better about eating on the go some days, like today, when I had an orthodontist appointment and all Emi wanted was some Smart Cookies.
While I got new bands put on she munched away as happy as can be. And I was relaxed knowing that she gets everything she needs every day between nursing and the foods we feed her.
What questions do you have for the Happy Mama Mentors? Did you ever struggle with your child’s nutrition?
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