If there’s one thing I’ve learned from getting pregnant, watching my body change, giving birth and seeing the effects of those changes is that there is a huge connection between mind and body. When I was pregnant even though I was at my heaviest weights for the most part I felt amazing and at peace with my body. I was growing a baby and that is a beautiful thing.
Jump to just after giving birth with the baby on the outside, hormones going crazy and the flabbiest I’ve ever been and I wanted to cry. I remember vividly after having Mason I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom at the hospital and lifted up my stomach and just dropped it and cried. After Elena’s birth I wasn’t really focused on me I was more in my head over everything that happened. With Kyla I felt amazing! I had just had a natural water birth something I had worked really hard for. I didn’t feel nearly as emotional and I actually thought I looked pretty good all things considered!
With Kyla I felt so good about what my body had done and that Kyla was here safe and sound that my mind just followed suit, everything was good. 10 Months later things have changed again, she’s nearing a year and I’m feeling the pressure to look good again. Three kids later I know something I didn’t realize the first time around, it doesn’t always matter how I look but more how I feel and when I feel good I tend to look good.
You’ve heard me talk before about my New Year’s Resolutions and it’s because I’m feeling proud of the progress I’m making. I’m not doing AMAZING in all areas but I am doing well in many. One of those resolutions being to focus more on myself. I quickly noticed that all the steps I was taking was creating a mind and body connection. I feel more in tune with myself. Having a great mind and body connection is about how you feel, how you think and what you do.
Stopped Calling Myself Fat
This isn’t just good for you but it’s also good for them. If you keep telling yourself that you’re fat then you’re going to be fat. It’s as simple as that. Instead call yourself strong, determined and motivated.
Keep a Journal
No we’re not in high school anymore but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to have a journal. Journals are great for keeping records of our daily life but I love them most for free writing. Just sitting down and writing whatever comes to mind, it can be very revealing and gives you great insight.
Take some quiet time to yourself, clear your head of all your stresses and worries. If you have trouble doing that just keep practicing. Meditation isn’t something you can just do, it takes time!
Work Out
Yoga is a great workout to really help develop a mind body connection but if you’re not into Yoga any work out will do. Whatever work out you decide is best for you focus on the way you feel while you’re working out and the way you feel after. You’ll notice a connection between working out and how you feel that is invaluable!
Listen to Your Gut
I can not stress how important this is. Your body gives you clues all the time, you just need to listen to them. Have a big decision coming up? Listen to your inner self. Make a decision and then feel how you react physically. Does your adrenaline start pumping? In a good or bad way? Like mediation this can sometimes takes practice, the listening part I mean! Have you ever heard someone say “It just felt right?”. That’s them listening to their gut!
The way you think and feel about yourself has a huge effect on what you see in the mirror. Focus on making changes, after all it takes 21 days day to form a habit!
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Kellogg’s® believes that From Great Starts Come Great Things®. So we’re helping Moms start every day with a tip from the top athletes of Team Kellogg’s™ and Team USA dietitians. The thirty days leading up to the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will each feature fun pieces of advice to help families fuel just like the athletes of Team Kellogg’s. To see all 30 tips, visit
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