If you read this blog and Kyla’s monthly updates you may know two things.
1. I’m about 2 weeks late on putting up Kyla’s 5 Month update and
2. We use Applecheeks diapers to the point where I feel the need to write what size she is on her monthly update board.
We’re huge fans of Applcheeks Diapers here for multiple reasons. The most shallow reason is clearly the color choices.
They also have limited edition prints and colors like Winging It and Beet It
We have Beet It and LOVE it so stinking cute!
Applecheeks isn’t just about the colors though. They have an amazing fit! Whenever we use disposables we have blow outs (thank you exclusively breast fed poop) but with Applecheeks we never have blow outs! You can see the fit on Kyla here:
Applecheeks diapers come in two sizes:
Size 1: 7-20lbs
Size 2: 18-40lbs
You can get microterry sets or bamboo prefold sets.
They can be used as pocket diaper or as a AI2 system where you use the cover with the bamboo insert laid on top.
Any my favorite part? When used as a pocket you do not have to unstuff the diaper, it agitates out in the wash on its own! No touching yucky diaper inserts? SOLD!
Applecheeks also makes diaper storage sacs, waist extenders to help have the perfect fit for every baby, wipes, disposable liners, reusable nursing pads and my favorite swim diapers ever!
Another great thing about Applecheeks? They have an amazing fan base who loves them, what does this mean for you? When you’re done with cloth diapers you can resell your Applecheeks and make back most of your money! How’s that for an investment!? And because baby girl looks adorable in her Applecheeks I have to share
Already love Applecheeks or Have to try it?
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas says
We would definitely choose the Beet It! I’ve been eyeballing that one, and it would be fabulous to win it!
Amanda Selenke says
I like the cherry tomato print!
Melissa Andreas says
I don’t have any orange in our stash ! I’d pick Orange you Glad 🙂
Winter Benson says
We LOVE AppleCheeks! I can't even pick a favourite colour, it changes every day!
Britni Bradford says
I would pick St. Lucia
Jennifer Schneider says
I haven’t tried AppleCheeks before, but I’ve heard great things! And I agree, the colors are fantastic!
Sarah says
I love love love the colours of AppleCheeks! I’d love a Storm before all the green snaps are gone (but I think it’s too late).
Theresa Wighton says
Applecheeks are amazing! The only laundry I look forward to doing!
Natalie Elizabeth Ann Goodwin says
I would pick St. Lucia!
Theresa Wighton says
Oh! I would choose Forget Me Not, it's probably my fave in the regular line up. (Though it changes all the time!)
Kari Meeker says
I'd probably pick raspberry sorbet or forget me not!
Jennifer Hughes says
I’d choose Dark Chocolate, I don’t have a brown diaper yet.
Lori Hipwell says
Winging it for a print or st. Lucia for a colour
Tracie D says
I would love to win raspberry sorbet!
Rockway- Rachael Studebaker says
I would choose Forget me Not.
Heather Liddycoat says
It would be tough to choose but I'd probably pick cherry tomato
Rebekah Reski Villarreal says
I would choose Beet It or Forget Me Not.
joe says
Kristin says
I would choose Raspberry Sorbet! Love it. And Kyla is a little doll, everything looks cute on her;)
Happily Southern says
Winging It or Orange You Glad!
Kelly Choma says
I would choose "Orange You Glad"!
Jennifer Holloway says
I would choose winging it!
Nicky Marie says
cherry tomato
Alison Espinoza says
I like a classic look, so I would choose Storm 🙂
Michelle Car Seat says
My favorite is Winging It. My second favorite is Cherry Tomato.
Andrea Watson says
I'm loving Winging It and Raspberry Sorbet!
Tiffany Ingalls says
Tough choice. I’m a red kinda girl- so Cherry Tomato 🙂
Allison Hedderson says
I LOVE Beet It!
Olivia Roberts Adair says
I would love to try any of them!
Olivia Roberts Adair says
Appletini is particularly adorable though!
Stephanie Jacobson says
Orange You Glad 🙂
Tania says
I love all the colours but i think my new favorite is coriander! Definately would love to try these diapers!!
Claiborne Marshall Snyder says
I'd pick cherry!
Nancy Partin says
I"d love the Wing it print or the Lemon Zest.
Erika Klingenmaier says
Orange You Glad 🙂
Joan Gilbert says
Love the pink! So cute!
Rachel Bobalik Figueroa says
I would choose the Beet It! So so cute!!
Diva Goes Organic says
I think I would choose Raspberry Sorbet or Appletini if I won. Love the bright colors! This is one I have yet to try and I always hear great things about the brand.
Diva Goes Organic recently posted..Woolzies Dryer Balls
Jeannette Hand says
Do you use these?
christine k says
beet it!!!!!
Nicole Cramer says
I would choose storm reborn. I don’t own the new one since the snap color change. Or I would choose appletini. My appletini is reeally looking sad these days.
ChandraD says
I’d get the cherry tomato color!
Quiana McCarthy says
I have winging it. Probably my fav diaper. I've been stalking beet on Lil tulips for a couple weeks, would love to have it.
Emily says
Forget Me Not!
Emily recently posted..Smart Bottoms Smart One 3.0 AIO Cloth Diaper #Giveaway
Julie Ghrist says
courtney says
St Lucia or Forget me Not or even storm – LOVE AC! 😀
Amanda Alvarado says
I’d love either the Winging It or the Beet It!
Kath says
I’d love this!
Kath says
I would choose st Lucia!
Chany says
I would choose St. Lucia!
Jessica Aydelette says
Cabrina says
I’d pick Lemon Zest, it is so bright and cheery!
Sarah says
I really like the St. Lucia.
Rebecca Orr says
I would choose St. Lucia.
Natalie says
I need Storm Reborn! !
Shadia says
I would choose St. Lucia since it’s gender neutral but not a boring primary color. Would love to try Applecheeks!
Jenn McClearn says
I would choose raspberry sorbet for my little girl 🙂
Janice says
I love St Lucia! We have 3 AppleCheeks – Orange You Glad, Raspberry Sorbet, and Winging It!
Bridget says
I would choose St Lucia. It’s just so pretty!!
Jenn Rankine says
I would love another RS or maybe a FMN-which I don't have yet 🙂
Krystal Layher says
I would love a lavender fields or purple rain!
Vivian Sun says
I love the dark chocolate color!
Danielle says
I would choose the cherry red!
Tabitha Arguelles says
I’d choose the Orange You Glad!
Tabitha Arguelles recently posted..Baby Love
Tannis W says
I’d choose appletini or lemon zest.
nicole says
orange you glad! is what i would choose!
Rachel R says
Cherry or winging it.
Renee says
i’d choose forget me not!
Lacey j says
I would choose raspberry sorbet
Valerie S says
Lemon Zest 🙂
Jessie Hughes says
Winging It if its available! Or Orange You Glad
Kristina Robinson says
i would choose appletini 🙂 thanks
Leah S says
Love Winging It!
Jessica Hughes says
I loooove Beet It!
Maggie Fout says
hmm cherry tomato!
Kelly says
Appletini! And I do LOVE that bird print shown on this blog!
Jennifer says
i’d pick wingin it or beet it!
Jennifer H says
I’d pick Forget Me Not
Megan Topping Walker says
Cherry Tomato! We need some red in our new stash!
Heather M says
I’d get Appletini
Olivia L says
I desperately want Beet It! And Delicious!
Trisha W. says
I like St. Lucia.
Nikole H. says
I love both of the limited editions!!!
Ashton DeRycke says
Raspberry Sorbet!
Danielle Bowers says
I like the Raspberry sorbet.
Danielle D says
I would pick St. Lucia or Cherry Tomato!
Cheri P. says
Cherry Tomato
Patricia Anne Barnes says
I would love to have orange you glad!
Lynne Spence Schoepfle says
St. Lucia
Emily says
Jeannette says
I’ve never tried AppleCheeks but they look wonderful!! I would choose the Cherry Tomato color…love!
Beth Ann says
raspberry sorbet! 🙂
Michelle Lee says
I'd love raspberry sorbet for my daughter.
Dani says
I’d get the Winging It print!
Breanne says
I’d pick winging it
Lily Ivey says
I would use Winging It if a print is an option.
Ashley Feit says
I would pick Raspberry Sorbet; I have an AC swim diaper and would love to try one of their "real" diapers!
megan b says
Storm something that would blend in under her outfits.
Catherine Matsko Palumbos says
I would choose Cherry Tomato.
Stephanie Harris Olmsted says
St. Lucia… pretty blue.
Jutta P. says
I would probably choose storm
Lisa H. says
Raspberry Sorbet
Vicki Hall says
I'd choose cherry tomato or.
Sarah Jane says
Since I’m Irish, I’d choose Appletini.
Sarah Jane recently posted..doTERRA DigestZen {Giveaway}
Gillian Stafford says
Appletini 🙂
Gillian Stafford says
Oh wait I think I would pick Beet It!
hayley s says
Orange you glad!
Michele Rodocker says
I'd choose either the orange or the tomato!
Monique Eckert says
Winging it! Size 2
Rachel Kratz says
hmm I like the red solid I think.
Lily Muñoz Ivey says
I would choose the new color that will be revealed soon!
Katherine Dixon says
I’d choose Raspberry Sorbet!
Shalaina Simmons says
I would choose appletini.
Katie Fowler says
Winging It or Cherry Tomato are both great!
Hydee says
St. Lucia!! I love blue on my son… his eyes pop!!
Daisy says
Beet It and Forget Me Not are so cute!
Khristin Zakem says
So many cute colors! I think I would choose Orange You Glad.
Catharine says
Love Beet It!
Vanessa Coker says
I'd pick Rasberry Sorbet.
Chelsea Korth says
St. Lucia or Appletini!
Jamie Johnson says
Beet It for sure 🙂
courtneyy says
I would LOVE a winging it or a lemon zest.
Heather Roscoe says
I would prefer Storm
Laura B says
Would love the Raspberry Sorbet for baby girl due in Dec 🙂
Amanda says
I would pick Appletini
Amanda recently posted..Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
Robin Jones says
St. Lucia
Janice Pope says
I would choose cherry tomato!
stacy hancock says
on an orange kick, so orange you glad =)
stacy hancock says
on an orange kick, so orange you glad =)
Kelly Urban says
cherry tomato
Christena Jones Estby says
Orange You glad
Bethany Ruth Lufi says
Love the brown color!
Erin Ritter says
I love Winging It and Cherry Tomato!!
Nicole Bowling Sparks says
I like the lemon zesr
Renee H. says
Wingin it or Appletini.
Bailey Moomaw says
I love the cherry tomato but we really need a bright orange for our “diaper rainbow,” haha.
Bailey Moomaw says
Orange You Glad! Need an orange in our stash. 🙂
Jana says
I would like the Dark Chocolate for my boy. 🙂
Rachael says
Carissa Whaatt says
I'd choose Dark Chocolate Or storm!
Tyler Reavis says
I would choose either Cherry Tomato or Raspberry Sorbet.
Cassy Spratt says
I love forget me not!
Cassy Spratt recently posted..A Typical Day In The Life of a WAHM
Larksy says
St Lucia is cute