You may remember that around Valentine’s Day I mentioned that I like to celebrate the holidays with Mason by reading him books that focus on the holidays.
St Patrick’s Day is right around the corner so I’ve been on the hunt for St Patrick’s Day Books that Mason will enjoy. Here are some of my favorites that I came across on my hunt!
This book is probably best for 0-2 year olds which is a little too young for Mason but he still likes touch and feel books so I figure it’s good to have especially with Baby3 coming into town soon 🙂
This book had me at “a life the flap book”, those are Mason’s favorites!
We have the Easter version of this book and I love the way it explains everything so I’m sure it will be great for St Patrick’s Day too!
This one is geared to older kids and is a little longer but I still think it’s a good one to get especially if you believe in Saints 🙂
cute books. Thanks for the suggestions!