She weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And she may grow up to a full inch this week — amazing. She’s keeping her eyes open while awake. She’s also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening. She’s going through (more) major brain development — that’s one smart baby!
How Far Along: 33+4 Weeks
Due Date: March 13th, 2013
Boy or girl: Baby Girl <3
Currently craving: Pizza!
Currently Avoiding: Anything that I’m not specifically craving or in the mood for.
Weight: Don’t ask, don’t tell.
Belly button status: In!
Sleep grade: I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep lately and it seems like for whatever reason when I do fall asleep I’m not moving so I’m waking up sore. I’ve also been more tired than usual. My Chiro mentioned it could have to do with lack of fish oils or my thyroid. I’m taking my fish oil so I’m going to keep an eye on things to make sure its not my thyroid.
Recent Crazy Dream: I had the WORST dream this week. I dreamed that I was around 20 weeks pregnant with a little boy and that my water broke. The hospital wouldn’t admit me for bed rest or to help at all because it was before viability so I went to my midwives house to be on bed rest there. She checked to see if I was dilated and was at a 5/6 the next time she checked I was at a 5 so I was going closing up.
It was a HORRIBLE dream. I think I had it because lately I’ve been contemplating about what I would do in a 4th pregnancy, my fear is that if I don’t do weekly cervical scans or p17 shots that the same thing that happened with Elena will happen again. But why am I worrying about this before I’ve given birth to this baby? I’m a planner. I can’t help it.
Evidence of pregnancy brain: I completely forgot my Chiro appointment and I almost forgot my OB appointment! I haven’t forgotten an appointment this entire pregnancy!
Symptoms?: Forgetting stuff, crazy indigestion, tired and sciatic pain.
Health/Appointments: I had an appointment on Wednesday. No u/s or anything like that. I listened to baby girl’s heart beat and it sounded great. Blood Pressure was great too as always.
They spoke with me about scheduling a growth u/s at my next appointment in two weeks but I’m going to decline, baby girl has been measuring right on track and I’m terrified that they’re going to try and use the u/s against me if they determine she’s “too big”. Not this doesn’t really matter since I’ll be switching to my midwife after my 36 week appointment but I’m still nervous that if for some reason I need to transfer to the hospital they’ll use it against me then. I’m sure some of you think I’m being crazy I just had a not so great experience with Mason.
Movement: Baby Girl is most active at night and I love every second of it. I will admit that sometimes they catch me off guard and a time or two it even hurt but I’m still so incredibly grateful! I’m starting to use an kick counting app before I was just doing them and counting not writing down anything but I want to start recording the kick counts now that I’m even further along.
Names: Standing answer. We’re screwed.
Any baby related purchases?: No purchases but I did win a Maxi Cosi Mico!
I’m BEYOND excited about this win because this was the car seat I wanted since it matches with my Quinny Zapp Xtra!
Bump Coming soon!
It’s almost time for baby girl to make her appearance! I’ve been craving pizza lately too, but I’m not pregnant. LOL
we had a little scare that I might be PG with #4! Thank goodness it was only a scare. I can’t do it again.
That sciatic pain is something else! I hope you aren’t too bothered with it. This is exciting how close you are now!
It’s getting closer now! I love the car seat.
You’re almost there, Momma! That car seat is awesome! Anything hot pink is awesome in my book.
We didn’t have a name picked out for our last child, nothing at all until I was in labor.
Thats why I set like 4 reminders for appointments!