Your Baby is the size of a squash. Your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches. She’s getting ready for her descent — she’s likely in the head-down position now. She’s probably feeling a even more cramped.
How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Due Date: March 13th, 2013
Boy or girl: GIRL who will one day be wearing this Heart headband
Currently craving: Nothing.
Currently Avoiding: Nothing.
Weight: I didn’t have an appointment this week but I’m going to continue to tell them that I don’t want to know.
Belly button status: In, I highly doubt it will ever pop that sucker is deep!
Sleep grade: I need more. I hate going from tired to not tired to tired. I just want to feel rested. I suppose I should go to bed earlier though too :/
Recent Crazy Dream: Gah I had one today that I now can’t remember. of course.
Evidence of pregnancy brain: I keep forgetting to make lasagna to freeze for labor day!
Symptoms?: I’m tired and my indigestion is bad but otherwise I feel good.
Health/Appointments: No appointments this week but I did get my 5th to last shot which means I only have 4 more weeks until I’m done with my p17 shots. It also means I’m 4 weeks and 2 days away from term AND the day I pPROM’d with Elena. This is going to be an emotional next four weeks. First I turn 26, then Mason turns 3, then my pPROM anniversary and term with this baby on the same day and then Elena’s 1st Birthday.
Movement: I can tell that she’s running out of room in there as I’m feeling less frequent punches and kicks instead I’m feeling more large movements rolls position shifts etc.
Names: Standing answer. We’re screwed.
Any baby related purchases? Welll I was going to show you a picture of dyed guaze that I bought for her Newborn shoot when I realized that I never purchased it so I was just going too but it’s sold out. WAAAAAAAAAH I need to find a new place that isn’t super expensive! But I am getting a 30 pack of Shabby Chic flowers so I can make headbands IF I can manage to find my card and order it before that’s gone too 😉
and my Bump—
Bobbie says
Anne Hedricks Crane says
That band is adorable!
Brittany @ The Domestic Geek says
You look fabulous! I love the heart headband!
nicole @nicky_Olea says
I had to sleep sitting up when I was at this point in my pregnancies with a pack of tums on my beside table.
You’re almost there!
Rachel says
You look incredible. My belly button never popped out with either of mine.
JulieD says
Congrats!! that headband is so cute!
Katie says
you are looking great! That headband is adorable, too!
Becca @ Mama B says
1. That headband is to die for!
2. Holy crap you looking freakin’ fantastic!! You look so happy and you’re absolutely glowing!!!