She’s about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. She’s getting so big, she’s probably crowding your lungs. She’s going through major brain and nerve development. Eye development, too. Her irises now react to light! All five of her senses are in working order.
How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Due Date: March 13th, 2013
Boy or girl: GIRL
Currently craving: Italian Pasta Salad
Currently Avoiding: Nothing really. Maybe meat depending on my mood.
Weight: If I don’t ask I can’t tell!
Belly button status: IN!
Sleep grade: Still in need of daily naps but feeling good this week.
Recent Crazy Dream: I had a dream that B had a little thing on the side and she knocked on the door and I was all visibly pregnant and she was pissed and I was pissed and B was just begging me to remain calm and saying sorry. I hear these types of dreams are typically of pregnancy?
Evidence of pregnancy brain: Nothing I can think of off the top of my head.
Symptoms?: I’ve been tired and lots of indigestion.
Health/Appointments: I had an appointment on Monday got to see the baby really quick and she’s growing right on track 49th percentile. 3lbs 6oz I believe? She may have said 9oz I can’t remember now. Still getting shots but I’m almost done with those.
Movement: There is nothing like feeling your little one move inside of you! I’m cherishing every moment and can honestly say I enjoy every kick, punch and roll even the painful ones. Which their aren’t many of.
Names: Standing answer. We’re screwed.
Any baby related purchases? Today I went to a 3D/4D Ultrasound in Richmond I had such a great time, the couple who own it are beyond sweet. My sonographer was AWESOME when Baby3 didn’t cooperate at first and we got some great pictures, here’s one of my favorites:
I also got a Heartbeat Bear which was actually a Scentsy Penny the Pig and it has Baby3’s heartbeat recorded on a heart that gets stuffed inside. I’m obsessed and wish I had one for Mason and Elena too. More pictures of my experience at the 3D/4D Ultrasound to come!
You sound so happy, and I’m with you about not asking about the weight. 😉
What are the shots for? I must have missed that in a previous post!
Love the sweet ultrasound picture!!
You sound like us! Except we keep saying we are screwed for a boy’s name lol. That is why I wish sometimes we would just find out so I could focus on one name 🙂 You are almost there. I am not sure how much longer I can stand this indigestion and I am only 22 weeks lol
I have a TON of names for boys. Maybe I can give you boy names and you can give me girl names 🙂
Oh my gosh, your ultrasound photos are so beautiful! The picture is amazing! Congrats!
I love that picture.
I bet you are so on the edge of your seat waiting the arrival of your bundle of joy.
We’re totally screwed on names, too. 🙁 With only 6 weeks left!!
I love that you got a heartbeat bear. I recorded ours in a frame that holds the ultrasound pic 🙂