She’s still growing in the 13.6- to 14.8-inch and 1.5- to 2.5-pound range, and developing her senses, features and talents! Her eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open and her eyelashes are now grown, too. She’s getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies. She’s taking breaths, too. They’re of amniotic fluid, not air, but it’s still good practice. —The Bump
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Due Date: March 13th, 2013
Boy or girl: GIRL!
Currently craving: Nothing really
Currently Avoiding: Nada.
Weight: ugh. don’t even want to talk about. Apparently I gained 5lbs in a week. Which I think is horseshit but whatever.
Belly button status: IN!
Sleep grade: Still good!
Recent Crazy Dream: Nothing that I can remember this week.
Evidence of pregnancy brain: Nothing too crazy. Basically just normal stuff forgetting what I was doing. Oh I know I’m having trouble finding words. B gets aggravated because he wants me to “spit it out” but I can’t and when he tries to help with suggestions it just confuses my brain even more.
Symptoms?: There is a BABY kicking me constantly.
Health/Appointments: GOOD! I had an u/s with a cervical scan today and my cervix looks great (4.1 cm) and my doctor told me that he’s going to consider this a normal (ish) pregnancy from here on out.
We’re doing another scan in two weeks which is when I’ll also be doing my GD test. I had been trying to avoid the traditional GD test and instead just monitor my own blood sugar for a couple of days for a more accurate idea of what’s going on with my body but my doctor doesn’t seem okay with that.
I also talked to my doctor about things like hep lock at the hospital, GBS testing, pitocin and epidurals but I’m going to save that for another post. Basically I have mixed feelings and REALLY wish I was with the midwife.
Movement: Baby girl is super active in the morning, after I eat and at night. She was also really active at my appointment today she is not a fan of dopplers and always kicks at them!
Any baby related purchases? Nothing this week but I am starting to think about crib sheets. And would love some advice. I can’t decide which one I like best. I was leaning towards the elephants (#1)
I think the other three stand out to me more but we have a HUGE thing for Elephants here so I’m having a hard time. I think I’ll probably end up getting two no matter what so which two do you like best?
Best thing to happen in the past week/ Worst: I’m not sure. I think I want to leave this one off from now on. I can’t seem to find a “worst” that ever really makes a difference in the long run. Baby Girl is doing great and I get to cuddle Mason every day (when he lets me) how can there be a worst then?
Here’s an inside the bump picture
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
Give yourself a break during the holidays – you will gain weight. I was pregnant with both of mine during the holidays and it was just unavoidable.
I like 1 and 3 for the sheets! They’re both so vibrant and unique!
Beth R says
I like #3&4 for the sheets. I love how they have some contrast. I agree, you are pregnant. You are allowed to have some treats and gain a little weight. It will all balance out in the end.
Sonya Morris says
I like the sheets in picture #3. I dread the glucose test myself! I know I will fail it, like the last three pregnancies only to pass (yay) the three hour test.
McKell Anderson says
I love 1 and 3 – all are such great choices though! Love seeing your updates!
Emily @ Baby Dickey says
I like number 1 and number 3! If you have more purple stuff in the room, #3 will be an adorable contrast. Remember I made a couple of Rebecca’s crib sheets myself? Soooooo easy. I don’t know where these are from, but I bet buying your own fabric and sewing a rectangle with some elastic would be a lot cheaper! Then you could do something similar to both. Or all 4 🙂
Christa says
I am AWFUL at sewing! I keep saying that I’m going to learn but I never do :/
Mumseword says
I like #3 and #4 🙂
Sheila says
Congrats. I just love seeing baby updates 🙂
Amanda says
I adore #4! #1 is a close second. 🙂
Laura Grace Andry says
we decorated my second child’s nursery with elephants and i love them. Those purple elephant sheets are too cute, but i think I am more partial to the multi colored sheet set with the birds. They are very whimsical.
Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies says
I love #3, but I am biased because yellow is my favorite color. 😀 I’m glad everything is going well!
Rachel says
I love #1 and #4. The name will come.
Heather Kunke says
I LOVE #4. It is so pretty.
Where is your bump picture? I came here in search of an updated pic. 😉
Angela Foster says
Hiii……I love the #4 crib sheets…Could you tell me where you found those?
Angela Foster says
OH wait, actually it's #2…Sorry…
Angela Foster says
Oh , Just FYI , that was just on a blog I asked a question on lol That's not Emily …IT's funny b/c i always thought they all looked alike in sonograms but She looks nothing Like My daughter. Emily is ,obviously ,much prettier 🙂
Christa says
Christa Garrison says
You know I can see this right? I'm guessing not because OBVIOUSLY you would never think to be so rude.
Let me help you with the crib sheet question. You can find them all at Land of Nod.