It has been forever and a year since I’ve posted his weekly pictures well really forever and a month 🙂 Honestly some of these pictures {and by some I mean most} weren’t even taken when they were suppose to be taken but I took them anyway because I wanted them with a sign. I’m doing MY best to make sure that I get back on track with these pictures I know it will be an amazing thing to look back on so I want to make sure that I do so! Anyway Here are the Week By Week Updates starting with…
Week 15 May 15th 2010
{This Picture was actually taken on Week 16 #mommyfail and I can’t even find a picture that was taken close to the 15 Week Mark :(}
Week 16 May 22nd 2010
{These were taken along with his 17 Week Pictures AND here’s a picture I took the day before he turned 16 Weeks Officially:
Week 17 May 29th 2010
{These were on time WOOT WOOT}
He was being a crazy baby and was refusing to stay still so I figured I’d try a different pose. But then I went back to the tired and true one:
18 Weeks June 5th 2010
And what he looked like when he was actually 18 weeks…
19 Weeks June 12th 2010
{These were also taken Late}
Special Things We did this week:
You were baptized this week, You got to see all the family on my side and Your Dad, PawPaw Dean, Grammy, and Aunt Crystal.
And his actual I was 19 Weeks on this day picture {His Baptism Actually}
20 Weeks June 19th 2010
{Not taken on the exact day but he was still 20 Weeks 🙂 }
Special Things We did this Week:
It was your father’s first Father’s Day so we went to go visit him, we watched him play softball and you had your very FIRST trip to the river!
And FINALLY all caught up 21 Weeks June 26th 2010
Special Things we’ve done this week {So Far}
You saw your VERY FIRST movie in the Movie Theater! Toy Story 3
{Video to come later on what our picture taking time is like :)}
Facebook Comments
He such a cutie! 🙂
Great to see some pictures!! He's getting so big!
dude, seriously… his hair…. I cannot get enough of it! It's too freakin' cute!