Mason was baptized almost two weeks ago but I can remember it like it was yesterday! I had everything all set up before so it was great to feel a little organized! I had got a trunk freezer off of craigslist so that really really helped and I absolutely love it. Now that the party is over there’s not much in it except for breast milk but I know that it will be helpful later and it’s already saved me money!
No secret that this post will be picture OVER LOAD! I really can’t help we’ve got a lot of great ones my Aunt sent me hers as well! And his Godmommy Erica took a bunch too so there are SOO SOO many!! The baptism was at 2:00 pm so I made sure everyone was ready beforehand so we could be at the church by 1:45 and we pretty much were which is pretty impressive for me and my family if you know us! Erica, B, PawPaw Dean, my parents and all my siblings were at the house with Mason as we got him ready! He was in really good spirits. No crying at all while we got him dressed etc. He was just happy that everyone was paying so much attention to him! As per tradition Aunt Erica got him dressed and Uncle David got him his first cross!
*As I was going through the pictures I realized very quickly I would have to split this into 4 posts! Part 1 will be the getting ready, Part 2 will be The Church, Part 3 will be Pictures after the Church and Part 4 will be the After Party!!*
In his diaper playing with Daddy waiting to get dressed!
Aunt Erica {Godmom} getting Mase dressed for his big day
In his cross onesie
All dressed minus his hat…
And with his hat!
The Cross Uncle David {his Godfather} got him!
David getting ready to put the cross on Mason!
And almost on 🙂
Playing with Pawpaw Dean before we left 🙂
He passed out on the way to the Church which is only a 5 minute drive IF EVEN!
Next Up: The Church Ceremony!
Facebook Comments
Love it……too cute
He is adorable! I love love love his outfit!
left you an award