I know I’m behind with his 4 Week Pictures…What’s new?
Another week of not so great pictures boo
He refused to look a t the camera and I couldn’t get the paper or Mason to sit up straight…shocker!
He’s moving sooo much more now! I’ll be posting some 1 Months pics since it’s sorta kinda officially his 1 month birthday today probably either later today or tomorrow we’ll see what I can get around too!
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OMG!!! He is so stinkin cute! My early pics of Little Miss Diva in Training are all that wide eyed crazy stare too! I love it!!! looking at your pics makes me want to have another baby!! We want a baby boy someday soon!
Look how alert he is! So cute!!
OMG is that a milk belly? so cute!
Ha! He's so adorable!
OMG…he is so adorable. I love his eyes…too cute!!!
Can believe he is one month old. Why time flies so fast?